Okay, I am willing to admit it. I am a nerd.
Hello, my name is Rebecca, and I am a nerd. I enjoy learning. I like edumacating myself when I can. And I really LOVE not only know how something
works, but WHY it works. I like being armed with information. So, when I saw
something yesterday that I knew was wrong, but I didn’t know why it was wrong… I decided to investigate. However, I really must start this out by saying
that I was an English major. I have a
bachelor’s degree in English… I am not a
Chemist. In fact, I purposefully avoided
Chemistry, because it just seemed WAY beyond my comprehension. Until today.
Oxi-clean. What is it? How do you make it? And is it considered "green?"
Since I am an English major and not a Chemistry major… I am going to break this down to like a third
grade level.